Risk management, control and risks
Descriptions of internal control procedures and main features of risk management systems related to the financial reporting process
Control and risk management related to the financial reporting process
The objective of the financial reporting process is to produce timely financial information and to ensure that decision-making is based on reliable information. The aim is to ensure that the financial statements and interim reports are prepared according to applicable laws, generally accepted accounting principles and other requirements on listed companies.
The financial reporting process produces eQ Group’s monthly and quarterly reports. The Management Team of the Group reviews eQ Group’s result and financial performance monthly. The Group management presents the result and financial position of the Group quarterly to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors of eQ Plc supervises that the financial reporting process produces high-quality financial information. The CEO is responsible for eQ Group’s internal risk management.
The Group’s subsidiaries report their results monthly to the parent company. The financial administration of the Group takes care of the bookkeeping of the subsidiaries. At Group level, this will make it easier to ensure that the financial reporting of the subsidiaries is reliable. The Group's interim reports and financial statements are prepared in accordance with the IFRS reporting standards. The financial administration of the Group monitors the changes that take place in IFRS standards.
Based on risk assessments, the company has developed measures for controlling the risks pertaining to financial reporting, which make sure that financial reporting is reliable. The companies use various reconciliations, checks and analytical measures, for instance. The financial administration of the Group prepares monthly analyses of income statement and balance sheet items, both at company and segment level. In addition, tasks related to risk-exposed work combinations are separated, and there are appropriate approval procedures and internal guidelines. The reliability of financial reporting is also supported by various system controls in the reporting systems. Other basic principles of control are a clear division of responsibility and clear roles as well as regular reporting routines.
General description of internal control
eQ Plc’s Board of Directors is responsible for arranging sufficient and well-functioning internal control. Internal control covers all functions within eQ Group, which means that eQ Plc steers and controls the operations of the subsidiaries in order to make sure that the result of its operations is reliable. The business operations are steered by the Group’s operating principles, decision-making powers and company values that cover the entire Group. eQ Plc takes into account the Group structure and the nature and extent of the operations when arranging internal control.
eQ Group’s internal control system covers financial and other control. Internal control is carried out by the Board, CEO and other superior management as well as the entire personnel. The aim of internal control is to make sure that the operations of the entire Group are efficient and contribute to the achievement of the goals and targets, reporting is reliable and that the Group follows laws and other regulations. In addition, the aim of internal control is to ensure that information, eQ Plc’s assets and client assets are secured in a sufficient manner and that internal procedures and information systems are arranged properly and in order to support operations.
eQ Group has a notification channel through which an employee can report misdemeanors or other misconduct within the eQ Group anonymously and confidentially (eQ Whistleblower). Authorized persons process notifications and only they have access to the information in the notifications. The notification channel is entirely on a server outside the company and allows for discussions with an anonymous notifier.
Internal control is above all based on financial reports, management reports, risk reports and reports of internal control. The company’s central operations are steered according to internal operating policies and practices.
Internal audit
Internal audit is a support function of the Board and management that is independent of eQ Group’s business operations. The internal auditor inspects the companies’ operations, risk management, internal control and management and administration processes on a risk-based assessment; in addition, the internal auditor inspects how the companies comply with internal guidelines and the requirements of the regulations concerning the companies. The internal auditor reports to the management and the Board. The internal audit function has been outsourced to an external service provider.
General description of risk management and risks
The purpose of the Group’s risk management is to make sure that the risks associated with the company’s operations are identified, assessed and that measures are taken regarding them. eQ Plc’s Board supervises that the CEO takes care of eQ Plc’s day-to-day administration according to the instructions and orders issued by the Board. The Board also supervises that risk management and control are organised in a proper manner. The executive management is responsible for the practical implementation of the risk management process and control.
eQ Group comprises a fully owned subsidiary of eQ Plc, eQ Asset Management Ltd, which is an investment firm, and its wholly owned subsidiary eQ Fund Management Company Ltd. A risk officer is responsible for risk management at eQ Asset Management Ltd. At eQ Fund Management Company Ltd, the risk management function, which is independent of the other operations, consists of risk experts and is led by the Chief Risk Officer. The Asset Management segment has a Risk Management Committee that meets regularly and is led by the Chief Risk Officer of eQ Fund Management Company Ltd.
The major single risk of the Group is the dependence of the operating income on changes in the external operating environment. The result of the Asset Management segment depends on the development of the assets under management, which is dependent of the development of the capital market, for instance. On the other hand,the management fees of private equity funds and closed real estate funds are based on long-term agreements that produce a stable cash flow. The realisation of the performance fee income that is dependent on the success of the investment operations also influences result development. The performance fees of the asset management operations may consist of performance fees paid by mutual funds and real estate funds, profit shares that private equity funds pay to the management company, and performance fees from asset management portfolios. Performance fees may vary considerably by quarter and financial period.
Success fees, which depend on the number of mergers and acquisitions and real estate transactions and the execution of transactions, have a considerable impact on the result of the Corporate Finance segment. These vary considerably within one year and are dependent on economic trends.
The risks associated with eQ Group’s own private equity investment operations are the market risk and currency risk, for instance. Of said risks, the market risk has the greater impact on investments. The company’s own investments are well diversified, which means that the impact of one investment in a company, made by one individual fund, on the return of the investments is often small. The income from eQ Group’s own investment operations is recognised for eQ in different quarters due to factors independent of the company, depending on the exits from private equity funds. The income from investment operations and changes in value may vary considerably from quarter to quarter
The Group’s liquidity is monitored continuously, and good liquidity is maintained by only investing the surplus liquidity in objects with a low risk, which can be turned into cash rapidly and at a clear market price. The liquidity is influenced by the capital calls and returns of the own private equity and real estate fund investments.Updated March 10 2025